Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Blog

Is anyone interested in reading my thoughts on stuff other than beer? I don't really care.  But occasionally I want to write about something else.  

The thing about my beer blog is it's there for professional reasons - to promote my career as an author and beer pundit.  

But every now and then there are other things I want to write about - things I feel strongly about, ideas I maybe want to work up a bit, or stuff to just get off my chest.  Just an ordinary blog then, like millions of others.  But having it as a blog rather than just a diary provides a bit of motivation to write it, craft it, think about it rather than just forgetting it.  If anyone else wants to read it, I'm flattered.

But if you fancy a chat about Barnsley FC, music, cool books, life in London, love-hate (mostly hate) relationships with advertising and marketing, then please drop by!

1 comment:

  1. Yup, Pete. Happy to read anything you write - footy, music, life. Blog away . . .
